Thursday, November 7, 2013

Day 4 November 7

I mentioned in a early post what my morning consisted of. Doctor Willey sat me down and I learned more about what is going on in Medicine (see my other post from today for details). After he left, I went back to running the tests that I had set up yesterday. I had finally gotten everything balanced so I could actually possibly get some usable data this time.

AND TO MY SURPRISE, NOTHING WENT WRONG AND I GOT MY FIRST USABLE DATA. I could actually compare the 2 samples of cDNA I used  since all of the ratios were within the 1:10 to 10:1 guideline. The siRNA treated cDNA had a lot less amount of CEBPG produced for a million ACTB than the cDNA that hadn't been treated with siRNA. This makes sense because the siRNA should interfere with the amount of the gene produced. Thus, the one sample I got would support that siRNA can cut down the amount of the mRNA produced. However, they're looking at how much production is knocked down, so I will run the tests again Monday and start doing other samples. Should be fun to see what percentage the production gets knocked down by and if Xiaolu and I get similar percentages. I won't be posting tomorrow, so be sure to check in on Monday.

1 comment:

  1. Your photo link is broken. I'm sure this would be an interesting post if only I could understand it! Any way to say this more simply?
