Monday, November 5, 2012


So today, I saw Mr. Boehm. He and I talked about what I was doing and I did a basic orientation for him in the lab. Tom and Mr. Boehm then talked about me (infront of me which was awkward), but Tom said that I was a very good student and that I had "the proper amount of sarcasm/humor needed to be a scientist". I grinned a lot. Another question that Mr. Boehm raised was what was the point of my experiments. He was wondering if I was just doing an experiment that they knew the results, which wouldn't be too important. On the contrary, Tom stated that I was preforming experiments for things they didn't know the answers to and they were possibly going to use my data in the future. WOOT!

After that, I did my calculations for the experiments from Friday. I struggled with them a little more than I usually do, but eventually I made sense of them. Again, WOOT!

But the best part of today was that I got to look at the cell cultures I made. They had undergone large amounts of Mitosis and covered roughly 77.738685% of the one side of cell container. So that they wouldn't over grow, Erin and I split them into two different containers. Next, I will extract the RNA from one container's cells, while I take a majority of the cells from the other container and destroy them. Then, with the remaining 10% of original cells, I will freeze them in liquid nitrogen (which is roughly -230 degrees C YIKESSS!) for later use.

Look at all my cells replicating: 

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