Monday, October 29, 2012

Revised SMART goals

1. I will listen more than I normally do so I can truly learn from what Doctor  Willey and Tom say.

I will ask questions that will lead me to what I want to know and try to learn more about this subject. I will actively listen to their responses and measure myself based upon how well I can articulate what I learned.

2. When working by myself, I will stay focused on the task at hand, making sure to follow the proper procedure of the lab/activity.

I will remained focused even when working alone. I will pay attention to procedures so that my data is solid. Tom will help me determine if I'm getting good data.

3. When working in the lab, I will be efficient and cautious so that I do not waste or break the expensive materials

I will make sure not to break things so that I'm not wasting the labs resources. I will be able to tell based upon my our lab experiences.

1 comment:

  1. Thad,
    After your first week, I wonder how you're doing on your goals?
    1. Are you listening more actively?
    2. It seems like you must be concentrating well since your labs are going well.
    3. How's this going? Have you broken anything?
    Mr. Boehm
