Monday, November 4, 2013


Here are my SMART goals that I have come up after my first day. I may amend them, but I think they are solid:

1. To increase my knowledge about microbiology and to be able to effectively comminicate what I have learned.
2. To enhance the quality of my data collection by remaining vigilant throughout the duration of winterim.
3. To be honest and open with my data and be able to form conclusions with my data.

And just for reference, here are my SMART goals from last year:
"1. To actively engage in the lab activity that I am assigned so that I am beneficial to whomever I'm working with.
2. To further my understanding about genome sequencing and how it applies to lung cancer and to everyday life.
3. To behave courteously to all the personnel that I have interactions with at UTMC.
4. To effectively accomplish any of the tasks that I am given and report exactly what happened in the lab."
I hope to have similar goals for this year, but I won't know my specific project, so I don't want to make SMART goals ahead of it. On Monday, when I know what I'm doing, I will write new goals.


  1. Glad to see you posted your goals. They are a good start. Since S.M.A.R.T. goals need to be Specific, Measurable. Attainable. Relevant. and Time-bound, we should means test your goals to see if they meet these criteria.
    1. Specific enough, I suppose. Do you really mean all of microbiology or some smaller facet of the field? Measurable: How will we know that your knowledge has increased? What is your knowledge now? Will we test you? I don't think so; so how will we know? That's a question you need to answer. Attainable? Sure. Relevant? To what? Why are you interested in this? Time-bound? Definitely.
    2. Enhance the quality of your data? I don't think this is specific enough. What, exactly does this mean? I don't think it is measurable-- how will we know if the quality is enhanced? This goal needs to be reworked. Keep in mind SMART!
    3. What do you mean about being honest and open about your data? Be specific. How will we measure that? What do you mean by "be able to form conclusions?" Will you form conclusions or just be able to? This goal needs to be more specific and measurable. Rework.

    What about blogging-- what are your communication goals? Daily? What is it that you want to communicate? Who is your audience? LS students? Me? Your parents?

    What about your project at Winterim Fair? What do you have in mind? Graphs? Charts?

    What will be different about this Winterim from last year's? Now that you know what your assignment is, do you have any goals related to that specific research?

  2. I agree with your critique of my SMART goals, and I have revised them to make them better. I will post my changes and my answers to all of your questions tomorrow
